
Alumni Push Centenary
Campaign Near Goal

More than $450,000 has been raised from alumni and special friends to support retired Claretians living at Dominguez Seminary. The Centenary Campaign, celebrating the founding of Dominguez Seminary in 1924, is a special fund dedicated to making Dominguez safe and comfortable for our retired priests and brothers. Goal is $500,000.

An alumni-sponsored study determined the building sound and worthy of investment. Additional studies have called out almost $1million in modernizations to heating, cooling, plumbing and electrical systems. The Centenary Campaign is a down payment on that modernization plan, designed to attract additional donors going forward.

Alumni can still participate in the Campaign with a pledge or gifts sent to the “Centenary Campaign,” Dominguez Seminary, 18127 S. Alameda Street, Rancho Dominguez CA 90220. All alumni donors to the campaign will be recognized on the Centenary Honor Roll to be published this summer. More information can be found at DONATIONS webpage.